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 Religiosity Meta-Analysis
Posted by: Robert Ross
Title/Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate
School/Organization: Royal Holloway, University of London
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: September 7th, 2016

[Apologies from cross-posting]

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to contribute to a meta-analysis on the effectiveness of religiosity manipulations in the laboratory. If you have or are aware of published or unpublished studies that attempt to influence religious beliefs, attitudes or behaviors (broadly defined) please contact us. Details of our request are below.

A recently published meta-analysis by Shariff et al (2015) examined experimental studies in which religiosity is treated as an independent variable that is used to influence a dependent variable (typically altruism). By contrast, our meta-analysis examines studies in which an independent variable (for example, intuitive thinking vs reflective thinking primes) is used to manipulate religiosity as a dependent variable.

We are not only interested in priming studies, but also studies that attempt to manipulate religiosity in other ways too; and we are not only interested in studies that attempt to manipulate religious belief itself, but also religious attitudes and behaviors.

If you follow this link to Ryan McKay's lab webpage you can find a full list of relevant published studies that have been identified so far (this list will be updated as colleagues contact us):

If you have or are aware of any potentially relevant published or unpublished studies that don't already appear on this list then we would greatly appreciate it if you could contact Robert Ross:



Many thanks in advance for your assistance.

Best regards,

Robert Ross, Ryan McKay, Gordon Pennycook, Jon Jong, Brittany Cardwell, and Jamin Halberstadt

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