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 SPSP 2017 Social Neuroendocrinology Preconference
Posted by: Kelly Gildersleeve
Title/Position: Assistant Professor of Health Psychology
School/Organization: Chapman University
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: September 4th, 2016

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to announce the SPSP 2017 Social Neuroendocrinology Preconference, to be held on January 19th in San Antonio, Texas. Registration is now open and will close either as soon as space is filled or on January 18th (whichever comes first). To register and for more information, please visit:

The theme of this year’s preconference is “Social Neuroendocrinology across the Lifespan.” The program will feature invited talks on prenatal and early life experiences, childhood and adolescence, adult romantic relationships, gender role behavior, parenthood, and aging by an exciting lineup of speakers:

Katie Hinde, Harvard University
Marco Del Giudice, University of New Mexico
Kelly Gildersleeve, Chapman University
Steven Gangestad, University of New Mexico
Peter Gray, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Sari van Anders, University of Michigan
Samuele Zilioli, Wayne State University
Gillian Einstein, University of Toronto

The preconference will also include a “data blitz” and our first-ever poster session. Information regarding how to apply for the data blitz and poster session will be posted on the website shortly.

The day's events will conclude with a cocktail reception.

We look forward to seeing you in San Antonio!


Kelly Gildersleeve and Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook
Chapman University
Kelly Gildersleeve

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