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 Registration Open! SCP Identity and Consumption
Posted by: David Gal
Title/Position: Associate Professor of Marketing
School/Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 13th, 2016

Registration for the Society for Consumer Psychology Boutique Conference on Identity and Consumption is now open.

This boutique conference will bring together researchers working on identity-related consumption to share their most exciting and recent research, to foster new research ideas and collaborations, and to help develop and strengthen research on identity-related consumption. This conference is also designed to help galvanize a shared research identity among researchers interested in identity and consumption.

The conference will take place in Chicago, Illinois with a reception beginning on the evening of July 20, a full program on July 21st followed by a reception and dinner at the Signature Room on the 95th floor of The John Hancock Center.

Location: Chicago, Illinois
Date: July 21, 2016 (receptions the evening of July 20, 2016 and of July 21, 2016)
Conference website:
Registration Cost: $215
Attendance Limit: 60 attendees


The conference will begin with an evening reception followed the next day by a single-track of research presentations during the day and a second evening reception.

Sessions will include presentations of individual papers and a roundtable discussion. A poster session will also take place during lunch.

All presenters must hold a doctoral degree. Conference attendance is open to doctoral students.

For Registration and Program, see conference website at


David Gal, University of Illinois at Chicago (
Derek Rucker, Northwestern University (
Blake McShane, Northwestern University (

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