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 2006 SPSP Conference: Important Updates!
Posted by: Tim Strauman
Title/Position: Convention Committee Chair
School/Organization: SPSP
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: November 3rd, 2005


Hello SPSPers,

I am writing with three important updates regarding the 2006 SPSP Conference in Palm Springs, CA.

First, the symposium schedule is now available on the conference website at:

Second, the reserved block of hotel rooms at both the Wyndham and the Hilton is sold out! Fortunately, Tara Miller has arranged for an additional block of rooms at the new ZOSO Hotel <>. Tara has negotiated a room rate of $155. The ZOSO is located approximately three blocks from the Convention Center. To make a reservation, you will need to call the hotel directly at 760-325-9676. You will hear a prompt which asks the caller to press 1 for reservations. The booking code for the SPSP meeting is GCISPSP.

Third, please remember that in order to receive the discounted registration price (and avoid waiting in line to register at the meeting), you must register before 11/29/05. To register online, go to:

Thanks and see you there!

Tim Strauman
SPSP Convention Committee Chair

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