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 NCI "Sandpit" on Psychological Factors and Cancer
Posted by: Rebecca Ferrer
Title/Position: Program Director
School/Organization: National Cancer Institute
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 18th, 2016

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Basic Biobehavioral and Psychological Sciences Branch, within the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, will host a“ SANDPIT,” (i.e., ideas lab) on May 16-18, 2016, in Montgomery County, MD. This sandpit seeks to generate new insights into how, for whom, and in what contexts a given population-level cancer control strategy is most effective.

NCI invites prospective participants to apply for attendance with a CV, two references, and cover letter. The cover letter should not exceed 600 words, and should include background, interests, and expertise as they relate to this sandpit topic; a description of how you would explain your research to non-experts; your approach to working in a team; and your experience in stepping outside of your area to think creatively and innovatively. Materials must be received by 3/19/16 via email at:

Population-level cancer control strategies include public and private policy, federal or state regulation, and media campaigns that aim to influence modifiable behaviors such as tobacco use, sun safety, diet and exercise, and adherence to medical recommendations such as HPV vaccination and cancer screening guidelines.

If you would like to transform the future of population-level cancer control strategies, we invite you to apply – irrespective of your research expertise or background. We are most interested in new ideas, underpinned by radical and innovative thinking. More details are available here at:

For more information, please contact:
Mary O’Connell, Scientific Program Manager │ Behavioral Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute │240.276.6873

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Attachment: Sandpit.pdf

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