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 Postdoctoral Fellow Position
Posted by: Karen Bridges
Title/Position: Program Coordinator
School/Organization: Columbia Business
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 12th, 2016

Dear Colleagues,

The Management Division at Columbia Business School is pleased to announce that it is seeking to hire a qualified Postdoctoral Fellow for a period of two years. The Postdoctoral Fellow will receive a research budget and collaborate on projects of mutual interest with faculty. In addition, the Postdoctoral Fellow will be mentored in, and then teach, the MBA course entitled Managerial Negotiations.

The position requires someone with a strong background in psychological and behavioral research methods who seeks exposure to a mix of basic and applied research and to the teaching that occurs in a business school. Applicants should have a PhD degree (or expect to complete theirs by Fall 2016) in a relevant social science field, such as psychology or organizational behavior, from an accredited institution and a record of being an outstanding scholar in every respect.

The Management Division is a dynamic center of behavioral research, with faculty, postdoctoral and visiting scholars, and doctoral students taking a wide range of approaches to basic social science research with applied implications. Our micro-organizational faculty members include Modupe Akinola, Daniel Ames, Joel Brockner, Adam Galinsky, Tory Higgins, Sheena Iyengar, Malia Mason, Michael Morris, Katherine Phillips, and Elke Weber. More information about the Management Division can be found at:

Applicants should submit a cover letter and research statement describing their research interests and accomplishments, a C.V., and three letters of recommendation to:

Materials should be submitted by February 5 in order to receive full consideration. We expect to make a selection by April 20.

Warm regards,
Adam Galinsky

Adam D. Galinsky
Chair, Management Division
Vikram S. Pandit Professor of Business
Columbia Business School

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