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 Google People Analytics PhD Summer Internship
Posted by: Geoff Ho
Title/Position: People Analytics
School/Organization: Google
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 21st, 2015

Hi, my team at Google, People Analytics, is looking to hire several PhD summer interns. We are looking for two types of internship candidates:

- Social Scientists: PhD students who do research in areas such as (but not limited to) Organizational Behavior, I/O Psychology and Behavioral Economics
- Data Scientists: PhD students who do research in areas such as Statistics, Computer Science, Applied Math, Computational Linguistics, Human Computer Interaction

Ideally, the PhD student will be past comps/prelims but will not have completed a dissertation. Do you know anyone who might be interested? If you do, please refer them to the job descriptions and application instructions linked for the social science internship ( and the data science internship ( Ask them to send their applications to Carrie Ott-Holland ( by January 19th, 2016. And, feel free to post or forward to others who might know people too!


Geoff Ho, PhD
People Analytics, Google

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