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 Need Help to Find Study Which We Want to Replicate
Posted by: Henrik Hoegh-Olesen
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Dept. of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 12th, 2005

Dear Colleagues:

A year ago, we came across the abstract of a paper reporting differences in how attractive young males find young females with histories of respectively many or fewer sexual partners. We seem to recall that male subjects witnessed or read an interview with the two kinds of female collaborators and were afterwards asked to fill in a questionnaire depicting how attracted they found the women in question.

We very much would like to replicate this study with a Scandinavian population. Unfortunately, we cannot seem to locate this paper despite sincere efforts to do so. Does anybody have any idea as to the study or authorship we are looking for? We would greatly appreciate your help.

Sincerely Yours,
Henrik Hoegh-Olesen and Jill Byrnit

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