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 Political Psychology Preconference at SPSP
Posted by: Joanna Sterling
Title/Position: PhD Student
School/Organization: New York University
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: October 14th, 2015

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to join us for the 2016 Political Psychology Preconference, to be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in San Diego, California, on January 28th.

We are very excited to announce this year’s line-up of speakers:

Emily Balcetis (New York University)
Larry Bartels (Vanderbilt University)
Cheryl Kaiser (University of Washington)
Mark Landau (University of Kansas)
David Pizarro (Cornell University)
Monica Schneider (Miami University)
Elizabeth Suhay (American University)
Martijn van Zomeren (University of Groningen)

Call for Submissions

Student Talk: Graduate students are invited to submit proposals to give a 15-minute talk about first-authored work that will not be presented in a symposium at the main SPSP conference. Preference will be given to individuals who have not spoken at the preconference in previous years, but all submissions will be considered. Note that data must be collected and analyzed before submission of the abstract. Please email your title, 250-word abstract, and CV to by November 1st. Please do not include any identifying information in the abstract. Proposals that are not accepted for the student talk may still be submitted for consideration for a poster, paper-swap, or data blitz presentation.

Poster Session: To be considered for a poster presentation, please email your title and 250-word abstract to by November 20th.

Paper Swap: We invite you to share your work with other conference attendees. Please bring copies of recently published papers, pre-prints, or papers-in-progress. To have your paper listed in the preconference program, please email your title and 250-word abstract to by November 20th.

Data Blitz: Participants with outstanding first-authored poster and paper-swap submissions will be invited to present their work in rapid-pace form. Preference will be given to participants who have not spoken at the preconference in previous years, but all poster and paper-swap submissions will be considered for the data blitz.

Graduate Student Travel Award: We are offering up to three graduate student travel awards to help cover travel, registration, and lodging related to attending the preconference. Each award will be worth $250. Award decisions will be based on need and the excellence of the submitted conference abstract. To apply, please submit your (1) current CV; (2) abstract for your preconference poster, paper, or student talk presentation; and (3) a 500-word (max) description of how the award would benefit you to by November 20th.

You can find out more information on the preconference website, and can register there:

We hope to see you on January 28th!


Chadly Stern (New York University)
Joanna Sterling (New York University)
Benjamin Ruisch (Cornell University)

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