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 Meta-Analysis Dataset Request on Misinformation
Posted by: Dolores Albarracin
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 7th, 2015

Dear Colleagues,

We are conducting a meta-analysis on the influence of the misinformation effect and the continued influence effect (CIE) on people's decision making processes, cognitive processes, and behaviors. In order to minimize possible data biases in published work and establish comprehensive databases, we are looking for any unpublished studies related to topics including misinformation, belief perseverance, or continued influence.

We also interested in:

(1) Factors that can strengthen or mitigate the CIE, such as motivated cognition and the development of supportive arguments;

(2) Moderators such as study design or participants' demographic information that might offer potential explanations for individual difference in CIE

If you have any unpublished datasets or studies on these topics that you are willing to share with us, please send them to me at If you have any questions or would like more details, please contact us.

Thank you for your assistance in advance.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Dolores Albarracin
Professor of Psychology and Business
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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