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 Articles for Meta-Analysis(Religion & Emotion)
Posted by: Avijit Chowdhury
Title/Position: Research Associate
School/Organization: SIM University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 3rd, 2015

Dear All,

We are a team of researchers working on a meta-analysis of studies that link religious belief with several emotions. The emotions that we are particularly interested are gratitude, awe, elevation, reverence (self-transcendent emotions), and also negative emotions such as guilt and shame.

We are very keen on sourcing published/unpublished articles/thesis that have explored the relation between religious belief and practices and how they influence these emotions.

Any academic who has conducted research on this topic and are willing to have their study details and results included in this meta-analysis are kindly requested to send us the article via the below e-mail. We will be very extremely grateful to include the study in our analysis if it meets the criteria. All studied will be duly referenced in the meta-analysis.

Please contact:

Avijit Chowdhury​ (

Thank you very much!

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