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 $1,000 Award for Personality Psychology
Posted by: Erin Carney
Title/Position: Senior Program Coordinator
School/Organization: American Psychological Foundatoin
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 22nd, 2015

$1,000 Award Recognizes Outstanding Work in Personality Psychology

Please find attached the Call for Nominations for the American Psychological Foundation’s (APF) 2016 Theodore Millon Award in Personality Psychology, which recognizes outstanding early or mid-career psychologists engaged in advancing the science in personality psychology including the areas of personology, personality theory, personality disorders, and personality measurement.

Please see our website for more information

The deadline for nominations is November 1, 2015. Please feel free to distribute this call to your organization as you see fit. Thank you for your time.

Erin Carney
Senior Program Coordinator
American Psychological Foundation

Attachment: Millon RFP 2016.pdf

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