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 Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton at SPSSI 2015
Posted by: Anila Balkissoon
Title/Position: Program Director
School/Organization: SPSSI
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: April 29th, 2015

A Road Less Traveled: Forging Links between Psychological Science and Social Policy

June 20-21, 2015 | Washington, DC.

Our 2015 conference will focus on the value of psychological science in informing public policy -- from the perspective of policy makers and of researchers. Our goal is to discover how we can increase the chances that policies are informed by sound science. The speakers we've assembled, including Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, are experts at making this happen. Register today!

From climate change to public health, from domestic education to foreign policy, psychology has much to offer to the policy world. Yet, while many important policy discussions have benefited from psychological knowledge, a great deal of critical information never reaches policymakers. To understand why this discrepancy occurs and how to overcome it, and to define the challenges and promises of psychology-policy relationships, SPSSI will gather concerned psychologists and interested policymakers in Washington, DC on June 20-21, 2015. This meeting will be smaller than the usual SPSSI conferences, providing a forum for focused discussions.

The conference will be opened by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, representing the citizens of DC in Congress since 1991, and closed by Dr. James Jackson, recently appointed by President Obama to the National Science Board. It will also feature a Presidential Address by Dr. Alice Eagly and a Lewin Address by Dr. Phil Zimbardo.

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