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 NSF Funding: Science of Broadening Participation
Posted by: Kerry Marsh
Title/Position: Program Director
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 21st, 2015

Dear Colleagues,

We wanted to bring it to your attention that an updated Dear Colleague Letter on the Science of Broadening Participation has been released by the National Science Foundation:

The Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences and the Directorate for Education & Human Resources are announcing their interest in continuing to stimulate research related to the Science of Broadening Participation (SBP). Such research would focus on understanding the barriers that hinder and factors that enhance our ability to broaden participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). SBP-related proposals could focus on different positive and negative factors (including institutional/organizational, cultural, psychological, social, economic or policy-related factors) impacting the participation of underrepresented individuals in STEM education and careers. Questions about SBP proposals can be directed to Sally Dickerson (; 703-292-7277).


Kerry L. Marsh, Ph.D. /; 703-292-7281
Sally S. Dickerson, Ph.D. /; 703-292-7277
Program Directors, Social Psychology
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22230

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