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 Speakers @ October 2015 Sex/Gender Conference
Posted by: Mamie Wong
Title/Position: Program Officer
School/Organization: Foundation for Psychocultural Research
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 24th, 2015

A Critical Moment: Sex/Gender Research at the Intersection of Culture, Brain, & Behavior
October 23-24, 2015 - Early Registration is Now Open
UCLA, Los Angeles, California


Confirmed Keynote Speaker is Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling, Nancy Duke Lewis Professor Emerita of Biology and Gender Studies, Brown University, and author of the pioneering books, Sex/Gender: Biology in a Social World (2012) and Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality (2000).

Foundational Talks will place sex and gender within larger historical (Sarah Richardson, Harvard University), biological (Art Arnold, UCLA), and cultural (Gilbert Herdt, California Institute for Integral Studies) contexts, highlighted by a vibrant panel discussion with these speakers and Alice Wexler, UCLA.

Topical Sessions covering the Humanities and Sciences, with several more speakers:

*Evolutionary and Cultural Contexts of Sex/Gender Differences in Brain and Behavior (Donald Pfaff, James Rilling, Kathy Huang, Michael Peletz)
*Toward a Culture-Brain-Behavioral Understanding of Partnerships, Marriage, Sexual Orientations, Desires, and Practices (Daniel Fessler, Sari van Anders, Lisa Diamond, Tom Boellstorff)
*What Counts as Adequate Function? (Melissa Hines, Hillard Kaplan, Marcia Inhorn, Carol Worthman)
*Sex/Gender and Systems of Power (Matthew Gutmann, Carol Worthman)
*Film: Bitter Honey (Robert Lemelson)

Panel discussions and question/answer sessions with the audience throughout this 2-day event. We have 19 confirmed speakers, with more names to be added soon.

Discover the latest findings on sex/gender, from an interdisciplinary perspective. All at UCLA this October 23-24, 2015.

Take advantage of the lower cost EARLY Registration fees and REGISTER NOW. Our last two conferences sold out before the end of Early registration.

EARLY REGISTRATION (lower cost) ENDS June 30, 2015 (mere months away!)

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