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 In-Mind Magazine: Psychology Video for Teaching
Posted by: Laysee Ong
Title/Position: Associate Editor
School/Organization: In-Mind Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 13th, 2015

Dear all,

Started in 2006, In-Mind Magazine is an online magazine that publishes peer-reviewed articles from scholars in the field of psychology. Our purpose is to communicate scientific findings to lay (non-academic) readers in a way that promotes learning but also entertainment: we aim to edu-tain our readers. For more information on our background, see:

True to this edutainment approach, we are creating a series of videos that introduce key psychological concepts. These videos are aimed at anyone with an interest in psychology, and they can also be used as teaching tools in psychology classes. Our first video on aggression and violence, narrated by Brad Bushman, is now live:

Check out our latest video, and spread the word if you find it useful!

Yours sincerely,
Laysee Ong

Attachment: PressRelease - PsychVideo.doc

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