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 Postdoctoral Position Opening
Posted by: Guido Gendolla
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Geneva
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: August 4th, 2005

Dear colleague,

In the context of the new Swiss Center for Affective Sciences (for further information see, we are conducting research on the role of motivational factors in emotion-antecedent appraisal using a variety of ANS response measures. We are looking for a person having recently terminated a doctorate involving psychophysiological research who might be interested in running such studies as part of a one- or two-year postdoctoral fellowship (a stipend of approx. CHF 45'000 per year plus travel expenses) in the Leading House of the Center at the University of Geneva as well as develop his/her own research program. The postdoc will participate in all activities of the interdisciplinary Center for Affective Sciences, which provides a stimulating and enriching academic experience as well as additional training in both emotion theory and a variety of pertinent methods.

Alternatively, we could imagine a graduate student well-trained in psychophysiological methods to use this opportunity for a research internship or a year abroad, allowing participation in the Center's Graduate School (stipend approx. CHF 33'000 plus travel expenses).

Possible starting dates are October 2005, January 2006, or April 2006.

We would greatly appreciate if you could inform your students of this opportunity. Interested persons should contact us for further details. Klaus Scherer will be at the SPR meeting in Lisbon from September 21-24, and would be delighted to discuss this research fellowship with you or any potential candidates.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,
Klaus Scherer & Guido Gendolla

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