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 Meta-Analysis of Risk-Taking and Dangerous Behavior
Posted by: Jordane Boudesseul
Title/Position: PhD Student
School/Organization: University of Grenoble
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: August 20th, 2014

Meta-analysis of risk-taking and dangerous behaviors in women: Requesting unpublished papers, presentations, and data on detectable changes in women across the menstrual cycle

Dear Colleagues,

We are conducting a meta-analysis on changes in risk-taking across the ovulatory cycle. Importantly, the study need not have been conducted with the intent of examining ovulatory cycle effects. To be eligible, the study must include (a) data relevant to determining a woman’s position in the cycle (e.g., the date she started her most recent menstrual period); and (b) a measure of one of the three following types of risk taking: health-related risks (alcohol and drug consumption, sexual activities, risk perception, food habits, suicide attempts, etc.), financial risks (competitive bidding, behavior in dictator, ultimatum, and other economic games; spending behavior, etc.), and relationship- or mating-related risks (wearing sexy clothing, going to clubs or parties, sexual infidelity, intra-sexual competition, jealousy, creativity, social activities, going to potentially dangerous places, etc.). Please see below for more information on specific inclusion criteria.

We would greatly appreciate your help in locating unpublished data to include in our meta-analysis. Please email us at if you are aware of any unpublished papers, presentations, or data (including student projects) that might meet the inclusion criteria listed below.

We would appreciate receiving any potentially eligible data before the 1st of September. Moreover, if your work in-press, or is published in a journal that is not listed in a major index (e.g., pubmed), or you are for any reason concerned that our search might not identify your work, please send us preprints, reprints, or other research reports. In addition, if you know any other relevant contribution from your colleagues, we would greatly appreciate if you could send us this information. We will use your data only for the purposes of this meta-analysis and are happy to discuss precisely how we would use your data prior to your sharing it with us.

Inclusion criteria:

(1) Study that gathered information that could be used to estimate female participants’ position in the menstrual cycle (e.g., date of last menstrual onset; next date of menstrual onset; measures of hormones; ultrasonography, etc.).

(2) Study included only women who were naturally cycling (e.g., excluded any women using hormonal contraception or who were pregnant or breastfeeding at the time of the experiment) OR collected information that would allow for the separate analysis of naturally cycling women and other groups of women.

(3) Study must have collected self-reports, direct measurements or observations, or 3rd-party ratings of risk taking behavior (as defined above). For example, previous studies have examined associations between women’s menstrual cycle position and alcohol consumption.

At this stage, we prefer to be over-inclusive in gathering data for this meta-analysis, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you have any questions, you can email us at This work is a collaboration between Laurent Bègue, Jordane Boudesseul, Martie Haselton and Kelly Gildersleeve.

Thanks in advance for all your help!


Laurent Bègue, Ph.D.
Departments of Psychology, University of Grenoble Alpes

Martie Haselton, Ph.D.
Departments of Psychology and Communications Studies, University of California, Los Angeles

Kelly Gildersleeve, C.Phil.
Graduate Student
Department of Psychology

University of California, Los Angeles
Jordane Boudesseul
Ph.D. Student
Departments of Psychology, University of Grenoble Alpes

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