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 CRCP2014 SURINAME Call for Abstracts
Posted by: CRCP2014
Title/Position: Co-Chair CRCP2014
School/Organization: Caribbean Alliance of National Psychological Assns
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 27th, 2014

We invite you to participate in our upcoming conference CRCP2014 Suriname Nov 11-14, 2014. Please see attached Call for Abstracts.

2nd Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology
Caribbean Psychology: Unmasking the Past and Claiming Our Future

11-14 November, 2014
Torarica Hotels
Paramaribo, Suriname

Conference Web:
Call for Submissions
Early Submission Deadline: December 15th, 2013
Regular Submission Deadline Extended to April 28th, 2014

We are pleased to announce that CRCP2014, under the auspices of CANPA, the Caribbean Alliance of National Psychological Associations, will be held November 11-14, 2014, in Paramaribo, Suriname. This conference is a continuation of the historic CRCP2011 in Nassau, Bahamas and follows CANPA’s successful launch at the Caribbean Studies Association Conference on 5th June, 2013 in Grenada.

The conference theme, “Caribbean Psychology: Unmasking the Past and Claiming Our Future,” reflects an acknowledgement of psychology as a product of time and place that has a significant responsibility to the societies in which it exists. Situated as we are in a region where collective and individual psychological functioning reflects our social cultural origins, history, geography, climate and natural resources, and given our particular socio-political circumstances on the global sphere, psychological science is in a unique position to apply scholarly expertise to “give voice”. CRCP2014 will provide a space for regional and international psychologists to explore issues directly relevant to the psychological and socio-behavioural realities of the Caribbean peoples with the overarching goal of transforming individuals and communities. Psychologists will explore just and ethical policies and a wide range of solutions based on sound psychological science, grounded in the historical and cultural realities and the ontological aspirations of Caribbean peoples.

CRCP2014 invites abstracts that embrace and affirm the past and present realities of the Caribbean peoples, and promote their prospective mental health and overall well-being. Abstracts from psychologists, students, educators, and those working in related fields--in the region, the Diaspora, and from around the world--are welcome.

Theme & Sub-Themes
The conference theme is Caribbean Psychology: Unmasking the Past and Claiming Our Future. Abstracts are welcome on any of the following five sub themes, or on topics that embody the sentiments reflected in the overall conference theme but which are not captured in the sub-themes and topics below.


1. Unmasking The Past: Impact On Contemporary Caribbean Society
2. Claiming Our Future: Health And Wellness
3. Our Future: Youth, Children, And Education
4. Caribbean Psychology Education And Training
5. Facing New Challenges In Psychology

Sub-Themes & Topics

• Caribbean Identity: Race, Ethnicity and Gender
• Shifting and Multiple Identities
• The Legacy of Enslavement and Colonialism: The Present:
• Breaking the Silence: Psychological Imperatives
• Social Structures and The Caribbean Psyche
• Spirituality & Religious Practices
• Rhythm, Dance and Resilience
• Caribbean Diversity and Unity in Psychological Functioning
• Caribbean Ethnopsychology
• Unconscious Dynamics in Caribbean Identity
• Caribbean Sexuality
• History of Psychology across the Caribbean
• Traditional Healing in the Caribbean
• Caribbean Languages and Psychological Meanings

• Envisioning Caribbean futures
• Conceptualizing National and Pan-Caribbean Identities
• Challenging Old Narratives and Creating New Futures
• Addressing Transgenerational Trauma
• Developing Culturally-Relevant Mental Health Services
• Psychology and Social Justice in the Caribbean Context
• Caribbean Models of Well-Being and Health Promotion
• Psychopathology and Mental Health in the Caribbean
• National and Regional Trauma, Emergency and Disaster Mental Health Programmes
• Early Childhood Intervention
• Risk Factors and Resiliency among Victims and Survivors of Disasters
• Addictions
• Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases
• Communicable Diseases (STDs, AIDS, etc)
• Suicide and Para-suicide
• Positive Psychology: Strength Based Approaches and National Happiness
• Occupational Wellness, Health and Safety

• Child Rearing Ethnotheories and Practices
• Children in the Caribbean: Progress and Challenges
• Family: Evolving Structures, Adaptation, Challenges
• Children’s Rights in the Caribbean
• Parenting and Parenting Styles
• Successful Pathways in Caribbean Children’s Development
• Youth Development: Regional Priorities
• Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Realities & New Directions
• Psychology in the School System
• Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship
• Psychology in Teacher Training
• Perspectives on Disabilities and Special Needs Education
• Promoting Youth Empowerment and Leadership

• Regionalizing the Psychology Curriculum
• Core competences in Undergraduate Education
• Curriculum Development
• Culturally-Relevant Pedagogy
• Statistics and Research Methods in Psychology Education
• Culturally-Relevant Training: Assessment and Therapy
• Alternative Models of Intervention
• Integrating Psychology and Traditional Healing Practices
• Ethnography and Participant-Focused Methodologies
• Training in Cultural Competence: Cultural Translation and Adaptation in Assessment and Therapy
• Caribbean Perspectives on Post Graduate Education
• Psychotherapy Training, Certification, and Evaluation

• Psychology Regulation – Protecting the Public and Serving Science and Practice of Psychology
• Developing a Culturally Relevant Psychological Science
• Caribbean Psychology: Engagement Across Disciplines
• Indigenous Psychology
• Ethics In Caribbean Psychology Practice
• Promoting Cross Cultural Research
• Psychology and the Environment: Sustainability and Adaptability
• Documenting Caribbean Worldviews Attitudes, Beliefs & Values
• Intra- and Extra-Regional Migration and Implications
• Developing Community-Based Interventions
• Disability, Marginalization, Discrimination.
• Psychological Care to Older Adults or Caregivers of Elders
• Globalization and Caribbean Development
• Technology and the Caribbean Reality
• Embracing Alternative Knowledge Systems
• Practicing Psychology in Small Spaces


1. Poster Presentations. Presenters will highlight scholarship via displays and informal discussions.
2. Papers (15 minutes). Paper presentations will be grouped into topically related sessions. Individual papers may also be assigned as poster presentations.
3. Symposia (90 minutes). Each integrated symposium generally includes a maximum of four (4) presentations on a common topic based on the conference theme and subthemes. Multi-disciplinary panels are welcome; note however, that the convenor of the symposium must be a psychologist.
4. Roundtables (45 minutes). In this format, presenters will open a discussion on a topic relevant to the conference theme and subthemes with brief remarks and facilitate a guided, interactive discussion with the roundtable participants.

Abstracts are required for all formats. All poster, paper and roundtable abstracts must include a title (10 words maximum), a summary of no more than 250 words, and an abstract of 50 words. Symposia abstracts must include a symposium title, an abstract of no more than 500 words, and separate abstract (50 words maximum) for each presentation.

Abstracts are submitted online at Please follow the instructions for the type of format that is relevant to your submission. Only abstracts submitted online will be considered.

English is the official language of the Conference but abstracts will also be accepted in Haitian Kreyòl, French, Spanish, and Dutch.

All abstracts will be reviewed on the basis of relevance to the overall conference theme and subthemes. Abstracts for empirically-based presentations must include the specific goals of the study, the research questions, methodology, a summary of the results if analyses have already been completed, and a conclusion. While it is not necessary for analyses to be completed prior to abstract submission, data collection must be complete. Abstracts for theoretical, educator, or practitioner-based presentations must clearly describe the issue, project, intervention, or educational experience that is at a reasonably complete stage.

Decision notification of abstracts submitted by the early submission deadline (December 15th, 2010) will be notified, via email, of decisions by February 21st, 2014. Decision notification of abstracts submitted by the regular submission deadline (February 28th, 2014) will receive email notification of decisions by April 25th, 2014.

All paper, symposia, roundtable and poster presenters must be registered participants in the conference and are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs.

There will be special conference accommodation rates for registered participants at the conference hotel.

Attachment: CRCP 2014 Call for Abstracts Extended.pdf

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