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 University of Maine Seeks New Dean
Posted by: Shannon McCoy
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Maine
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 12th, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

The University of Maine is seeking applications for the position of Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. We would welcome applications from Social Psychologists with administrative experience. At this stage applications will remain confidential and consist of only a cover letter and CV, names of professional references will be solicited at a later date from those under serious consideration.

Located in beautiful Central Maine, the University of Maine, Orono is the flagship campus of the University of Maine system and is the primary graduate institution in the state. The University of Maine is a Carnegie ranked comprehensive doctoral institution, offering bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. The College is the largest of six academic units at the University of Maine, comprised of 214 faculty members with a current graduate student enrollment of 373 and undergraduate student enrollment of 2,476.

Our faculty report that a primary reason for staying at UMaine is quality of life. Numerous cultural activities, excellent public schools in neighborhoods where children can walk to school, high quality medical care, little traffic, and a reasonable cost of living make the greater Bangor/Orono area a wonderful place to live. The University of Maine is just 60 miles from the Bar Harbor area and Acadia National Park and 2 hours from Portland, offering access to a wealth of outdoor activities and a thriving restaurant scene. As an NSF ADVANCE institution, UMaine is committed to diversity in our workforce and to dual-career couples.

Please see the attached job announcement for further details on the position, instructions for submitting an application, and contact information for our search committee chair.

Thank you for your time and please forward to any colleagues you think might be interested,

Shannon McCoy
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Maine

Attachment: CLAS Dean Job Announcement U Maine.pdf

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