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 Literature Review on Identity Management
Posted by: Jojanneke van der Toorn
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Leiden University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 24th, 2013

** Apologies for cross-posting

Dear Colleagues,

We are conducting a literature review on identity management, assessing the use and effectiveness of affirmation and compensation strategies when one’s (social) identity or integrity has been threatened. We are particularly interested in, but not limited to, studies that address multiple dimensions of the self or group concept. We are collecting this information for a narrative review, so no data are needed.

Specifically, we are interested in published and unpublished reports of studies in which a threat to (part of) the self- or group-concept (e.g., one’s morality, competence, status) has been manipulated or measured and in which means of buffering or managing this threat (e.g., self- or group-affirmation strategies) have been manipulated or measured.

To streamline this process, we have created an online survey where you can easily input your contact and study information:

The success of this literature review relies on the inclusion of as many studies on the topic as possible, so please do not hesitate to contact us should you be unsure of whether your study fits our criteria for inclusion, or simply send us a pdf or reference of your study and we can evaluate.

If you have questions, or are having trouble with the survey, please do not hesitate to email us at or Also, if you know of others who may have studies including both threat and affirmation/compensation, please let us know.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Naomi Ellemers and Jojanneke van der Toorn

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