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 Special Issue of Self and Identity
Posted by: Steve Spencer
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Waterloo
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 20th, 2005

Call for Papers for Special Issues of Self and Identity

Self and Identity is a young but already prominent specialty journal in the field. Carolyn Morf is the current Editor, assisted by Mark Alicke, Susan M. Andersen, Bettina Hannover, and Rick Hoyle. At their behest, we are enthusiastically launching a special issue focused on implicit processes and the self. We are particularly interested in research that emphasizes the intersection of threat-related experiences and implicit self-related constructs, as one of our goals is to integrate these two literatures. To this end, we are initiating an open call for empirical papers for a special issue.

Proposals for the following special issue can be submitted immediately:

Implicit Processes and the Self
Papers dealing with the implicit self-concept, self-esteem, or identity are relevant, as are papers focused on these constructs as moderators or outcomes. The effects of threat on implicit self-concept, self-esteem, or identity (e.g., collective versus personal) are also relevant, as are papers focused on implicit self constructs as moderators of threat-related outcomes. Finally, papers that illuminate the underlying mechanisms (e.g., motivated inference, emotion regulation) are particularly welcomed.

You can submit a proposal directly to either of us at the e-mail addresses below. Proposals for special issue submissions should come to us before July 31, 2005. Proposals should be no longer than 1,000 words. Based on these, we will invite submissions by the end of August. The first drafts of invited papers will be due no later than Jan 5, 2006. Papers, except under exceptional circumstances, should be approximately 30 pages or less in length. Note that the invitation to submit a full manuscript does not constitute acceptance of the manuscript, and manuscripts will undergo the typical review process.

Laurie A. Rudman

Steve Spencer

Of course, Self and Identity continues to review and accept individual papers related to all pertinent topics, including basic research and studies in applied areas. Instructions for how to submit manuscripts can be found at:

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