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 PhD Scholarship Opportunity
Posted by: Sofia Stathi
Title/Position: Senior Lecturer
School/Organization: University of Greenwich
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: June 10th, 2013

The scholarship will address individual differences in emotion, personality, and cognition. Two key themes underlying the proposed research are the general findings that (i) extraverts are happier than introverts, and (ii) positive mood generally facilitates more “flexible” cognition (e.g., greater creativity). The degree to which these associations are related to distinct elements of the brain’s reward system, namely appetitive (or wanting – “Let’s get an ice-cream”) and pleasure (or liking – “Ice-cream tastes nice”) components, will be explored. Such research may facilitate understanding of mood regulation and associated disorders (e.g., depression), and theories of motivation and reward-driven behaviour more generally (i.e., individual differences in addiction and impulse control disorders e.g., gambling).

The scholarship will draw upon a broad range of research and methodology (from neurobiological models of reward processing and extraversion, to various cognitive paradigms and mood induction procedures) and will involve a series of behavioural studies to investigate predictions from theory in relation to mood, personality and cognition (e.g., whether the effect of high-/low-appetitive positive mood on cognitive function is dependent upon individual differences in extraversion).

The successful candidate will receive a £13726 bursary (years 2 and 3 linked to RCUK Doctoral Stipend rate) plus a contribution towards tuition fees of up to the equivalent of the university’s Home/EU rate for the duration of their scholarship, subject to performance.

Applicants must hold a First Class or Upper Second Class Honours Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (UK or UK equivalent) in a relevant discipline.

Applications are sought by the indicated closing date for starting in September 2013.
For further information please contact the supervisor: Dr Ian Tharp (
For additional information about the studentship and links to the application form please go to:

The application form should be completed and returned to:
The closing date for applications is 12.00 UTC on Tuesday 18 June 2013

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