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 Postdoc Annoucement
Posted by: Pascal Boyer
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Washington University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 1st, 2013

Postdoctoral Position in: Human Evolution, Economics and Politics

This two-year postdoctoral position is to work with Pascal Boyer as part of a new interdisciplinary project at the University of Lyons, France, starting September 2013.

The goal ofy this project is to investigate the influence of evolved human psychology on social processes typical of modern, large-scale societies. This work will focus on such topics as the design of institutions and their reliance on evolved preferences for cooperation; perceptions of markets and our social exchange psychology; how our “intuitive sociology” is based on evolved small-group interaction; how an evolved psychology of dominance and power is relevant to understanding modern politics; how political programs recruit intuitive moral understandings; etc. Some possible directions of research are described in a summary of the grant proposal. Knowledge of French is not required.

Candidates should have pursued doctoral research in a relevant field in psychology, anthropology, economics or political science. If you are interested, please send Pascal Boyer a CV and relevant publications (or links) as well as a short letter of motivation describing how you would envisage your contribution to this programme. Email: pboyer [at]

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