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 Geis Scholarship Award Deadline April 15th
Posted by: Elizabeth Haines
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: William Paterson University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 24th, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to call your attention to the Geis Scholarship. The deadline is April 15th , 2013.

The Geis Memorial Award for Dissertation Research offers $15,000 for the 2013-2014 academic year to fund dissertation research in the Psychology of Women by an advanced doctoral candidate. Eligible research will demonstrate:

(1) Grounding in social psychological models
(2) Methodological soundness and sophistication
(3) Contribution to the field of feminist psychology
(4) Sophisticated research design in the social psychology tradition

Florence L. Geis was a Social Psychologist with a strong commitment to research on the Psychology of Women and to the mentoring of women graduate students. She left an endowment to fund doctoral students conducting dissertation research in feminist psychology. To qualify for funding, the research must (1) use social psychology research methods, (2) be feminist, (3) address a feminist/womanist issue, and (4) make a significant contribution to social psychology theory and research. Proposals will be judged on suitability, feasibility, merit of the research, and the potential of the student to have a career as a feminist researcher in social psychology. Funding need not be used solely to fund the research project.
Please feel to contact me with any questions.


Elizabeth L. Haines, Ph.D.
Chair, Geis Scholarship Award Committee

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
William Paterson University

Attachment: Geis_2013_Application_Requirements.docx

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