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 Meta-Analysis on Disgust and Moral Judgment
Posted by: Geoff Goodwin
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Pennsylvania
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: January 29th, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

My graduate student, Justin Landy, and I are conducting a meta-analysis on the effect of induced disgust on moral judgment. We are interested particularly in studies in which disgust is induced in participants through some manipulation that is separate from the moral judgments themselves (disgusting images, hypnotic suggestion, a filthy work environment, etc.). The moral judgments can be assessments of hypothetical or real actions, suggested punishments, actual punishment in economic games, or any similar measure.

If you have any results from studies of this type (published or unpublished articles, conference presentations, dissertations, or just unpublished data), please email them to Justin at, along with a description of the study’s methods and the names of all researchers involved with the project. We would prefer that you send means, standard deviations/standard errors, and sample sizes of each condition in the study, though results of t or F tests and condition sample sizes are also useable. Or, you could send complete raw data, if you prefer. If possible, please send separate results for each judgment that participants made, as we are interested in the type of transgression being judged as a possible moderator of the effect of disgust.

Thank you in advance for your assistance with this project.


Geoff Goodwin
Department of Psychology
University of Pennsylvania

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