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 Bone Marrow Drive: Help Colleague Nalini Ambady
Posted by: Zorana Ivcevic Pringle
Title/Position: Associate Research Scientist
School/Organization: Yale University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 12th, 2012

Dear Social Psychology Community,

Our dear colleague, Nalini Ambady, has recently had a relapse of leukemia and needs a bone-marrow transplant. Her lab alumni, friends, and family are organizing a nationwide bone marrow drive.

Because she is South Asian (Indian), she has a lower chance of being matched (50% vs 67% for Caucasians) since there is a smaller pool of potential donors (She can match with non-South Asians too but the chance for a good match is slimmer). Therefore, it is essential that we increase the pool of potential donors!

We are hoping that the social psychology community can help in this drive. Please consider donating and sending this email to anyone you know (e.g. post on Facebook, send individual e-mails to friends), especially those of South Asian ancestry. The process is easy: you register online, you get sent a kit, swab your cheek with a q-tip like device and send it back--takes about 90 seconds. If you are a match, you are called at a later time for a chance to save a life.

Please consider donating--even if doesn't help Nalini, it may help someone else.

Here is how to register online:

(1) Visit this website:

(2) Go to Join.

(3) Complete the online registration.

(4) Scroll down to the promo code: nalini (lowercase) and the kit will be sent to you.

(5) You have to be between the ages of 18-44 years old to use the promo code and to register for free. Donors 45-60 years old cannot use the promo code and will be asked to pay $100.

If you can, you can also donate money to National Registry:

Another way you can help is by attending a local bone marrow drive. The list of universities holding drives is increasing by the day, from Michigan, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania to California. Here is where you can check if there is an event close to you:

Thank you all,

Zorana Ivcevic Pringle and the Helping Nalini Team

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