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 Call for Proposals: Motivation Conference
Posted by: Rex A. Wright
Title/Position: President, Society for the Study of Motivation
School/Organization: University of North Texas
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 27th, 2012

Call for Submissions

We are pleased to announce and invite symposium and poster proposals for the upcoming conference “Motivation in Social Contexts: Theory and Practice”, to be held June 30-July 2, 2013 in Krakow, Poland. The conference will be jointly sponsored by Jagiellonian University and the University of Gadansk, working in affiliation with the Society for the Study of Motivation (SSM - It will immediately follow a small group meeting concerned with motivational, affective, and cognitive factors involved in knowledge formation (June 27-29). The small group meeting is organized by Małgorzata Kossowska (Jagiellonian University), Arie Kruglanski (University of Maryland) and Arne Roets (University Ghent) and sponsored by the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP).

Motivation conference speakers will include Nicola Baumann (Universität Trier), Jaana Juvonen (UCLA), Arie Kruglanski (University of Maryland), Julius Kuhl (Universität Osnabrück), Richard Sorrentino (University of Western Ontario), Gershon Tenenbaum (Florida State University), Rex Wright (University of North Texas - UNT) and Bernard Weiner (UCLA). A special symposium concerned contemporary issues in social motivation will be chaired by Michael Richter (University of Geneva) and Rex Wright (UNT).

As its title suggests, the conference will address social motivational processes, focusing on issues of both theoretical and practical concern. Symposium and poster submissions should pertain to social motivation broadly construed, including – but not limited to – topics such as social perception and interaction, gender relations, self-regulation, aggression, pro-social behavior and sexuality. An overarching purpose will be to foster the exchange of relevant ideas and scientific information, potentially leading to collaborative research endeavors.

Symposia submissions should include a chair or two co-chairs and up to five speakers from different uni-versities that present views on a common issue. Total session time will be 90 minutes and should allow for discussion. Submissions must include the name and affiliation of the chair, the symposium title, a symposium abstract (150 words maximum), the names and the affiliations of all speakers and their co-authors as well as an abstract describing the content of each presentation (150 words).

Poster submissions should include the names and the affiliations of the poster presenter and the co-authors as well as an abstract describing the research to be presented (150 words).

All presentations and posters should represent completed work. Please do not submit a proposal if findings are still pending. Participants will be limited to one first authorship presentation, although there will be no limit on the number of times a person may appear as an author other than first. Submissions will be reviewed for acceptance by members of Scientific Program Committee. Submitters will be notified via email as soon as possible of the decision regarding their submission. Submissions should be submitted through the conference web site:

The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2013.

Details related to the scientific program and associated activities (e.g., banquet, sightseeing tours) will soon be available at a conference web site ( Links are available for registration and submissions. Personal queries can be sent to Hanna Brycz ( and Malgorzata Kossowska ( Note that Krakow has been called a Roman and baroque pearl of Europe, with ancient castles, churches, courtyards and historical districts (e.g., Kazimierz). Nearby one can visit an ancient salt factory (Wieliczka). This will be a marvelous location for the meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!

Conference Organizers:
Hanna Brycz (University of Gdansk)
Malgorzata Kossowska (Jagiellonian University)

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