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 PsycCRITIQUES Blog of Interest to D8 Members
Posted by: Dr. Danny Wedding
Title/Position: Associate Dean for Management and Intl. Programs
School/Organization: Alliant International University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: November 15th, 2012

I am the editor of APA's online journal PsycCRITIQUES. APA has developed a PsycCRITIQUES blog that makes it possible for interested psychologists around the world to read selected book and film reviews and comment on the issues raised in those reviews. We think the following probe would interest those in Division 8.

(Blog post by Dr. Danny Wedding)

The Fox and the Hedgehog and a Universal Theory of Influence

Roland Tharp has proposed a universal theory of influence, called delta theory, which he describes in his recent book Delta Theory and Psychosocial Systems: The Practice of Influence and Change. The review by Kurt Salzinger was generally positive, but Salzinger continues to believe that simple behavior analytic concepts like shaping and reinforcement are sufficient to explain the myriad phenomena Tharp discusses in his book.

Tharp's work is in the tradition of Clark Hull, Roy Baumeister, and Art Staats. The review triggered a Point by Tharp, and a Counterpoint by Salzinger.

In the 7th century BCE, the Greek poet Archilochus noted, "the fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." Is it fair to say Tharp is a hedgehog whereas Salzinger is a fox, or does the dichotomy fall apart when applied to delta theory and behavior analysis?

[Full Disclosure: Roland Tharp was one of my professors when I attended graduate school at the University of Hawaii. DW]

You can review the blog and make comments at (click on the red comments button at the bottom of the probe). We would especially welcome comments from members of Division 8.

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