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 Lab Manager Position
Posted by: Jonathan Cook
Title/Position: Associate Research Scientist
School/Organization: Columbia University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 1st, 2012

Please see below for a job ad for a lab manager for the Intergroup Relations and Diversity Lab under the direction of Valerie Purdie-Vaughns at Columbia University. Position is open until filled.

To apply, use the link below and be sure so include a cover letter and resume/CV.

Reporting to the PI, the incumbent will provide administrative assistance to research related to intergroup relations, psychophysiology, health, and academic performance. Duties involve assistance with all steps of the research process, (recruitment of participants, designing and running studies, gathering data, data presentation and publication). The applicant will coordinate the administration of a productive lab, including coordinating finances, and helping in developing grant applications. This is an ideal position for someone planning to pursue a Ph.D. in social psychology or organizational behavior. This is a 2-year position.

Minimum Qualifications for Grade: Applicant MUST meet these minimum qualifications to be considered an applicant Bachelor's degree in psychology.

At least 12 months experience in conducting experimental research.

Additional Position-Specific Minimum Qualifications: Applicant MUST meet these minimum qualifications to be considered an applicant

Experience managing social psychology experiments and data gathering. Project management skills. Strong verbal and written communication skills in addition to strong organizational skills required. High time flexibility.

Computer skills required:

MS Office (word processing, spreadsheet, presentation software). Statistical research applications (such as SPSS, SAS, R, NVivo, etc).

Preferred Qualifications:

Solid training and experience in social psychology. Experience conducting experiments involving psychophysiological measurement (e.g., cortisol). Knowledge of literature on social identity threat and/or social psychological intervention. Experience programming in MediaLab, DirectRT, Qualtrics, or similar programs.

Questions can be directed to

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