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 Position in Feminist Theory and Women's Health
Posted by: Terri Vescio
Title/Position: Associate Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Pennsylvania State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 16th, 2012

Dear Colleagues,

The Department of Women's Studies at the Pennsylvania State Unviersity is inviting applications for a position in Feminst Theory and Women's Health. This position could be filled by a Social or Personality Psychologist, and joint appointments in Women's Studies and Psychology are welcome. Please see the job description below and let me know if you have any questions about the position.

Terri Vescio

The Department of Women’s Studies at The Pennsylvania State University invites applications for a position in Feminist Theory and Women’s Health, at the assistant or associate rank. This position requires a scholar whose research on Women’s Health incorporates theoretical perspectives on one or more of the following areas: gender and sexuality; global health; reproductive rights and access; disability studies; environmental justice.

Given this department’s consistent, top-ranked position among Women’s Studies programs in the United States, the ideal candidate should present a dynamic feminist research and publication agenda. The successful candidate is expected to publish in high-quality venues, to teach graduate and undergraduate courses in both feminist theory and women’s health, and is encouraged to seek external funding. Tenure will be granted in the Department of Women’s Studies, but a joint appointment is possible. Penn State has vibrant programs in bioethics and medical humanities (at the University Park and Hershey campuses) and disability studies, as well as research centers such as the Social Science Research Institute, and the Children, Youth, and Families Consortium, and the Rock Ethics Institute.

The salary/benefit package is competitive, and the position begins in fall, 2013. Applications for the position must be submitted electronically to:

The online application must include a cover letter, CV, and a writing sample or representative publication. Please arrange to have three confidential letters of reference sent to Staci Kelly at If the application and letters of reference cannot be submitted electronically, they may be mailed to Search Committee Chair, Women’s Studies Search Committee, The Pennsylvania State University, 133 Willard Building, University Park, PA 16802. Applications received by December 1, 2012 will receive first priority, although all applications will be considered until the search is concluded. For additional information contact Staci Kelly at Employment will require successful completion of background check(s) in accordance with University policies. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workplace.

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