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Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

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 Tenure Track Position, Social Psychology
Posted by: Dr. Dean M. Amadio
Title/Position: Associate Professor, Psychology
School/Organization: Siena College
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 12th, 2012

Siena College Department of Psychology (Loudonville, New York) seeks a social psychologist for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position beginning Fall 2013. A Ph.D. in Social Psychology must be completed by 9/1/13. Successful candidates will have a passion for teaching and commitment to involving undergraduates in an active research program. Applicants should be qualified to teach social psychology, research methods with labs, and introductory psychology. Electronic submission through Interfolio required. Send CV, letter of application, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and 3 letters of recommendation by January 7, 2013 to:

For further information contact Diana King at

Siena College is committed to attracting, supporting, and retaining a diverse faculty and actively encourages applications from people who will make a positive contribution to the diversification of ideas and perspectives.

Siena College is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V and encourages applications from all qualified candidates. Therefore, we request that in addition to your application, you complete the Equal Employment Opportunity Questionnaire provided on the Interfolio site.

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