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 Job Announcement: Life Sciences, Open Rank
Posted by: Jenessa Shapiro
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: UCLA
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 20th, 2012

Hi all,

Please see the ad below for a position at UCLA. Psychology is in the Life Sciences so this position is open to applicants in Psychology. Thanks!

The Division of Life Sciences in the UCLA College of Letters and Sciences announces the continuance of its special initiative to recruit excellent research scientists with a history and commitment to the mentorship of students from underrepresented and underserved populations. Candidates should have outstanding records of scholarly publications, research support, and teaching and be eligible for Academic Senate appointment in any of our departments of Life Sciences (, including psychology. The successful candidate will be expected to mentor undergraduates and to participate in campus-wide and departmental programs that provide research and professional development opportunities for our diverse student body, including MARC, (Minority Access to Research Careers), PEERS (Program for Excellence in Education & Research in Sciences), and the Biomedical Research Minor. Teaching assignments will take into account mentorship activities associated with the position. Faculty appointment will be made at a professorial rank commensurate with current academic standing and achievement. UCLA offers competitive salaries, research set-up funds, and recruitment allowances.

Nominations and questions should be sent to: Professor Paul Barber ( or Professor Anna Lau ( Application packages should be submitted online through [] and include the following: (1) curriculum vita; (2) statement of research interests; (3) statement of teaching interests that includes information on formal and informal mentorship activities targeting underrepresented and underserved populations; and (4) cover letter that includes names of referees that can be contacted for letters. Review of applications will begin on 1 November 2012, and continue until positions are filled. Please use position number 0845-1213-01 in all correspondence.

UCLA is California's largest university, with an enrollment of nearly 38,000 undergraduate and graduate students. The UCLA College of Letters and Science and the university's 11 professional schools feature renowned faculty and offer more than 323 degree programs and majors. The Biosciences area at UCLA has more than 300 faculty members, includes many top ten ranked departments, and is consistently in the top ten in NIH funding. The UCLA College has a tradition of outstanding teaching and mentorship of undergraduates that the Division of Life Sciences will enhance through this special initiative. As a campus with a diverse student body, we encourage applications from women, minorities, and individuals with a history of mentoring under-represented minorities in the sciences. UCLA is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of faculty and staff diversity.

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