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 "TurboVote": Online Voter Registration Worth a Look
Posted by: Kevin Lanning
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Florida Atlantic University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 27th, 2012

I'm passing along a blurb from Sam Novey at Turbovote, which holds the prospect of increasing voter registration and civic engagement among our students:


TurboVote is a service that allows users to sign up in one place online to receive all the information and materials that they need to vote in all their elections. It makes voting as easy as renting a Netflix DVD and sharing democracy with your campus community as easy as sharing a link.

Launched this year with support from Google, The Knight Foundation, and The Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation, they are currently partnering with twenty-one schools across the country including Miami Dade College, Harvard University, and UNC-Charlotte to provide the service to members of those campus communities. These partnerships were featured in the most recent edition of the Chronicle for Higher Education:

They are looking for new partners and would love to work with all of you to bring TurboVote to your campuses. Please email Sam Novey at to learn more.

Attachment: Learn about TurboVote 2.pdf

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