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 Social Psychology iPhone App
Posted by: Hans IJzerman
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Tilburg University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 17th, 2012

Dear colleagues,

Coming September 1, we, the In-Mind Foundation, in collaboration with GameTogether Software, Willem Ligtenberg Software Development, and Maven Publishing, will launch an iPhone and Android app with daily true/false statements about social psychological research. The members of our quiz team (Daniel Sude, Justin Saddlemyer, Ellie Shockley, Justin Cheng, Laura Finch, and Kasey van Tyne) have been working diligently to put together 365 high quality statements. The app will provide participants with a statement and some background knowledge about social psychology, including the original reference(s) to the article.

We hope that the app decreases the threshold for students and non-social psychologists to become engaged in learning about social psychological theories and to become interested in learning about our work more in depth through our articles at (and,, and In order to make the most of our app, we are seeking beta-testers for the iPhone app who are interested in receiving a sneak preview amongst our colleagues.

For more information on beta-testing, please check out our Facebook page at:

We can only hand out 20 beta-versions, so only the first 20 responses will have the chance for this sneak preview. Beta-testers will be expected to fill in a brief questionnaire at the end of testing (the first week of August) in order to provide feedback on how often they use the app and whether improvements can be made in terms of content or usage. Also, we’d be very happy to receive suggestions on the name of the app. Please note that we only have a beta for the iPhone as of now; we hope to provide a beta later for the Android.

We hope that this app will be something of use to your students, friends, and yourself. We also really hope that you will recommend this to others!

Best wishes and also on behalf of the other board members Daniel Sligte and Reine van der Wal,

Hans IJzerman
(Apologies for any cross-posting)

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