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 Virtual Special Issue on Collective Action at EJSP
Posted by: Manuela Barreto
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Exeter
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 19th, 2012

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to call your attention to a virtual special issue on Theory and Research on Collective Action in the European Journal of Social Psychology which can be freely accessed here:

This special issue was guest edited by Julia Becker (Philipps-University of Marburg), who selected 23 articles to provide an overview of the work published on this topic over the years at EJSP. These 23 articles include seminal work as well as more recent developments in this area of research, and include work from varying perspectives, and with varied samples and methodologies. The articles are organized into sections and are reviewed and discussed in an accompanying editorial (see also EJSP Issue 1, 2012).

We hope you enjoy this virtual special issue, which opens a new feature at EJSP--one that we believe will be both interesting and useful.

Best regards

Manuela Barreto and Colin Leach
Handling Editors of the two virtual special issues produced by the 2009-2011 EJSP editorial team

Anne Maass and Russell Spears
Chief Editors EJSP 2009-2011

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