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 2013 Master and Distinguished Scientist Lecture
Posted by: Rachel Martin
Title/Position: Manager, Conferences and Outreach
School/Organization: American Psychological Association
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 18th, 2012

Call for Nominations: Master Lecturers and Distinguished Scientist Lecturers

The American Psychological Association’s (APA) Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) and Science Directorate are soliciting nominations for speakers for the 2013 Master Lecture Program and the 2013 Distinguished Scientist Lecture Program.

The Master Lecture Program supports up to five psychological scientists to speak at the APA Annual Convention. A list of previously selected speakers can be found online. BSA has organized the lectures into ten core areas that reflect the range of research in the field. Each year, five of these areas are addressed by Master Lecturers. Speakers for the 2013 Convention, to be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, July 31-August 4, 2013, will be chosen to have expertise in the following areas:

• applied psychology
• biopsychology
• cognition and perception
• health psychology and behavioral medicine
• personality and individual differences

The Distinguished Scientist Lecture Program supports up to three psychological scientists to speak at Regional Psychological Association meetings to be held in 2013. Speakers must be actively engaged in research, with expertise in any area. A list of previously selected speakers can be found online.

All nominees should be excellent public speakers. BSA will review all nominations at its 2012 spring meeting and then begin to contact potential speakers for these programs. Nominations may be for either the Master Lecture Program or Distinguished Scientist Lecture Program or both. Selected speakers receive an honorarium of $500 and reimbursement for travel expenses, up to $1,000.

Nominations may consist of simply the name, institution, and research area of the nominee. Please send this information by email to Rachel Martin, APA Science Directorate (telephone: 202-336-5918). Nominations must be received by February 17, 2012.

Attachment: Call for Nominations 2013.docx

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