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 Research Challenge Reminder
Posted by: Bryan Rhodes
Title/Position: Survey Researcher
School/Organization: RTI International
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 17th, 2012

Just a reminder that the January 30th deadline for submissions to the Research Challenge is fast approaching. This could be a great opportunity to have your data collected and your research questions answered. Submitting your entry is easy -- just visit:

to find out how. Any questions about the contest should be submitted to by January 18th at 5pm EST.

RTI’s 2012 Research Challenge

Have you ever had a great research hypothesis but lacked the data to test it? If so, The 2012 Research Challenge is a great opportunity for you to get those data.

To participate, researchers or research teams can submit a set of up to 10 survey questions for an upcoming in-person survey of Chicagoans. The “winning” submission(s) will be included in the in-person survey, and the winning researcher or team will receive the response data to their questions along with demographic data, and the first rights to publish results of their survey findings.

Participation is easy. In order to enter, all you need to do is send us:

• Up to 10 survey questions,
• A short synopsis of your research idea (2 pages or less), and
• A short biography of yourself (200 words or less)

Our judges will pick up to 12 winners, and those researchers will get to have their survey questions included in our study.

This contest is open to individuals and small teams (five or fewer people). Teams may include anyone from senior scientists to working professionals to students. Organizations may not submit entries, but individuals or teams from organizations may. Only one entry is allowed per person or team, and a person may only be part of one team.

For full contest rules and information on how to submit an entry, please visit:

This opportunity is a research challenge conducted by RTI International.

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