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 Post-doc in Psychology
Posted by: Ann Bettencour
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Missouri
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 4th, 2005


Institution/Organization: University of Missouri-Columbia
Advertised Position/Job Title: Post-doc in the Psychology
Posted By: Ann Bettencourt
Date Posted: 3/04/2005
Closing Date: 5/05/2005

Seeking a recent Ph.D. for a 1-year post-doc (to begin in academic year 2005/2006), renewable for a second and possibly a third year, in the area of health disparities in general and breast cancer survivorship among rural women in particular. In our research, we adopt a social psychological approach, but also we draw from a variety of theories in personality, health psychology and sociology. We are are particularly interested in candidates with strong methodological and statistical skills in at least some of the following: longitudinal methods and analyses, development of webpage interventions, multilevel modeling/analyses, latent variable modeling, meta-analyses. Also we are seeking candidates who have expertise in at least some of the following: health disparities research, social roles, psychological well-being, writing paradigm, psycho-social health interventions, breast cancer research, women’s health. Finally, those with experience writing grants are preferred.
Requirements: Ph.D. in psychology (in particular, social, personality, health, clinical, adult developmental, statistics). Send a vita, cover letter, and a selection of representative publications to Ann Bettencourt, 104A McAlester Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211. Feel free to send email inquiries to

The University of Missouri is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community.

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