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 Book Announcement
Posted by: Tory Higgins
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology and Business
School/Organization: Columbia University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 21st, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to tell you that my first book, Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works, has just been published. It reviews and integrates theories and research in motivation science to highlight the critical role in motivation of three ways of being effective—having desired results (value); establishing what’s real (truth); managing what happens (control)—and, especially, how these ways of being effective work together. I use this perspective to re-think culture and personality, how to manage motives effectively, and what is “the good life”.

My hope was that this book would interest anyone who wanted to know about the new ideas and discoveries that had been made in motivation over the last few decades—ideas and discoveries that go beyond the hedonic principle, go beyond “carrot and stick” incentives. I wrote it to be read by everyone who wants to catch up on what we have learned recently about how motivation works. I also believe that it could used in college courses to introduce students to the science of motivation.

Those were my aims in any case—I certainly learned a lot while writing it. If you have a chance to read it, I’d really appreciate hearing your reactions to the book.

All the best,


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