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 Social Psychology Position Announcement
Posted by: Anne Wilson
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Wilfrid Laurier University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 22nd, 2011

The Psychology Department at Wilfrid Laurier University invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Social Psychology at the Assistant Professor level beginning July 1, 2012, subject to budgetary approval.

Applications are welcome from candidates with research interests in any area of Social Psychology. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to supervise students in the MA and PhD programs in the Social Psychology area of the department and to teach undergraduate and graduate level courses. Applicants should have a PhD (by July 2012), an active research program with evidence of research excellence and the strong potential to attract external funding, and a commitment to mentorship and teaching.

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, copies of publications or preprints, a statement of current and prospective research interests, a statement regarding teaching experience and interests, and contact information for at least three referees to Dr. Roelof Eikelboom, Chair, Department of Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5 (email: ). Applicants can learn more about the Department and current faculty interests at Applications will be accepted until December 15, 2011.

Wilfrid Laurier University is committed to employment equity and values diversity. We welcome applications from qualified women and men, including persons of all genders and sexual orientations, persons with disabilities, Aboriginal persons, and persons of a visible minority. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Members of the designated groups must self-identify to be considered for employment equity. Candidates may self-identify, in confidence, to the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dr. Paul Jessop ( Further information on the equity policy can be found at:

Wilfrid Laurier University, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, is a campus of 12,000 students about an hour from Toronto. The Psychology Department has over 35 full-time faculty members and a growing graduate program (Masters and PhD) of approximately 100 students. The core Social Psychology faculty include Roger Buehler, Mindi Foster, Christian Jordan, Mark Pancer, Pamela Sadler and Anne Wilson.

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