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 Research Faculty Position
Posted by: Joshua Smyth
Title/Position: Professor of Biobehavioral Health and Medicine
School/Organization: Pennsylvania State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: June 27th, 2011

Research Assistant/Research Associate

Deadline: 08/31/2011
Work Unit: Vice President for Research
Department: Survey Research Center
Job Number: 34500

Penn State’s Remote and Intensive Data (RAID) Initiative promotes the use of emerging technologies (e.g., smartphones, micro-sensors) in “in-vivo” data collection (for example, Ecological Momentary Assessment approaches) for studies of human behavior, health and development. Building on the RAID Initiative, Penn State’s Survey Research Center is seeking qualified applicants for a research faculty position to direct the development, support, and growth of a portfolio of RAID research projects. Successful applicants will work within an interdisciplinary team (a) assisting investigators in developing and implementing new RAID methodologies, (b) overseeing project implementation (including technology development and data collection), (c) managing a staff of project coordinators, programmers, and budget consultants, and (d) collaborating with Penn State faculty to develop research proposals, papers and publications.

Applicants must have a PhD in a social science discipline (e.g., psychology, sociology) or related field and research experience, though exceptional candidates who are ABD will be considered. We seek applicants with background and experience in survey methodology, EMA research, ambulatory physiological assessment, analytic methods for intensive repeated measures, or other related topics. Excellent written and oral English communication and interpersonal skills are required, and preference will be given to candidates who are interested in developing collaborative research programs in the general area of applied research methods for intensive longitudinal data.

Interested applicants for this 3-year appointment, with competitive salary and benefits and excellent possibility of renewal, should send: (1) a letter of application describing research interests, career goals, and experience; (2) a curriculum vita; and (3) names of three professional references to Ms. Donna Panasiti, Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. For more information, contact Dr. Eric Plutzer,, or Dr. Joshua Smyth,

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