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 Save the Date for 33rd Annual Meeting of SSSP
Posted by: Ginni Blackhart
Title/Position: Assistant Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: East Tennessee State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: May 18th, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

We wish to announce that the 33rd annual meeting of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists (SSSP) will be held in Johnson City, Tennessee, on November 4th and 5th, 2011. The conference is being hosted by East Tennessee State University (ETSU) and will be held at the Millenium Center in Johnson City. Johnson City is located in the northeast tip of Tennessee, and is approximately 60 miles north of Asheville, NC and 100 miles east of Knoxville, Tennessee.

Information about the conference can be found on the conference web site at:

Dr. Barbara Fredrickson from UNC-Chapel Hill will deliver the keynote address. This year we are accepting submissions for poster presentations as well as for symposia and 15 minute individual oral presentations beginning July 15th. The submission deadline is Sept. 1, 2011.

Fees for early registration (postmarked by October 14th) remain affordable and unchanged from last year ($45 for students, $60 for faculty and other professionals). SSSP is a self-sustaining professional organization with no membership dues. Conference fees pay for the Friday evening reception, breakfast and lunch on Saturday, and conference materials.

More information is forthcoming. Please share this announcement with your colleagues, and feel free to email us with any questions you may have.


Ginni Blackhart, Ph.D
SSSP 2011 Site Coordinator
Assistant Professor of Psychology
East Tennessee State University

David Butz, Ph.D.
SSSP 2011 Program Chair
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Morehead State University

Brooke Bennett-Day, Ph.D.
SSSP 2011 Program Co-Chair
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Wesleyan College

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