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 SPSP 2012 Annual Meeting
Posted by: Kathleen Vohs
Title/Position: Land O' Lakes Professor of Excellence in Marketing
School/Organization: University of Minnesota
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 5th, 2011

Dear SPSP members, affiliates, students, and others:

Do you have amazing data that are just dying to get some fresh air? New findings that scream for a public showing? Then this message is for you.

This serves as a call for submissions to present at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s (SPSP). The 2012 meeting will take place in beautiful San Diego, CA, on January 26-28.

Submission date is July 15, 2011.

The portal to accept submissions ( will open around the second week in June, but we wanted to provide advanced notice so that you can begin arranging the most interesting, knock-your-socks-off symposia or creating must-know, hot-off-the-press poster submissions.

Basic information is as follows.

Scholars can be first author (which means being the presenter) on only one submission – either a symposium submission or poster, but not both. It is incumbent on symposia organizers to verify that speakers in their symposia have not submitted their names as speakers in other symposia or as poster presenters. Failing to do so may result in a symposia being rejected. There is no switching which persons fill speaker roles after submission.

For symposia, each presentation within the symposium will be described by an abstract of a maximum of 150 words. Symposium chairs also will submit two abstracts, a 150-word maximum summary that describes the symposium theme (for evaluation purposes) and a 50-word maximum summary that describes the symposium theme (to be printed in the program). Symposia can have 3 or 4 presentations, but no discussants.

Poster submitters will be required to submit two abstracts, one with a 150-word maximum (for evaluation purposes) and a second 50-word maximum abstract (to be printed in the program).

General Information

- Both poster and symposia presentations must list a title and authors’ affiliations.

- Data must be collected prior to submission. Submissions that do not meet this requirement will not be accepted.

- Abstracts must contain the specific goals of the study, the methods used, a summary of the results, and conclusions.

- Submissions will be reviewed with regard to: scholarly/theoretical merit, soundness of methodology, relevance to social and personality psychology, clarity of presentation, significance, and originality. Final selection among submissions deemed meritorious will be made with an eye toward achieving a balanced and broadly representative program.

Looking forward to seeing you in San Diego, January 2012!

Kathleen Vohs and Veronica Benet-Martinez
Program Chairs

SPSP 2012 Program Committee:

Colin DeYoung
Angela Duckworth
Eli Finkel
Heejung Kim
Jenifer Pals Lilgendahl
Leif Nelson
Mike Norton
Brandon Schmeichel
Ulrich Schmimack
Simine Vazire

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