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 General/Experimental M.S. Program
Posted by: David Butz
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Morehead State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 2nd, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

If you have students that are currently considering graduate study, I ask that you pass along this information about opportunities at Morehead State University. Our General/Experimental Master's program is a good match for students who are interested in continuing on to a doctoral program or transitioning into a research-oriented career. We currently have experimental faculty in the areas of social/personality, cognition, development and behavioral neuroscience and students in the program may take courses and specialize in any of these areas. Our program has a good history of providing funding in the form of Graduate Assistantships to students in good standing.

For more information about the program and opportunities for graduate study in Psychology at Morehead State University, please visit our department website at:

Information on graduate tuition may be found at:

and interested students may apply online at:

The priority application deadline for Fall 2011 admission is March 1; however, applications submitted after that priority deadline will be considered. Please encourage students who are preparing for graduate study to apply to the program at Morehead State University. I would be happy to answer any questions about the program ( You may also contact our General/Experimental Graduate Program Director, Dr. Gilbert Remillard (, for more information about the program.

Best regards,
David Butz

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