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 EASP Preconference
Posted by: Hans IJzerman
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: VU University, Amsterdam
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 7th, 2011

*Small Group Meeting: Writing and Communicating with the General Public
*Organizers: In-Mind Magazine; Jill Janssen, Sanne Pennings, Reine van der Wal (Radboud University Nijmegen), and Hans IJzerman (VU University, Amsterdam)
*Date: July 12, 2011
*Location: Scandic Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden

Is social psychology relevant? Yes! Social psychological research can naturally be of great value to today’s society, but is often lost for the greater public. To aid social psychologists to reach these larger audiences, In-Mind Magazine will organize an EASP preconference on "Writing and Communicating with the General Public." This preconference aims to support EASP-members by offering a unique skill: the power to enchant a broad audience. Such a skill is important for diverse purposes. How can you communicate important scientific findings to the media? Or, how do you turn your award-winning ideas into successful grant proposals?

Two highly-profiled scientific writers will supervise the preconference: Wray Herbert and Ap Dijksterhuis. During this workshop, you will participate in writing a social psychological manuscript of your choice – but for the general public. Step 1 is that participants will write a first draft of their manuscript before the workshop. During the workshop, Herbert and Dijksterhuis will provide hands-on tips on how to spice up your writing. Following the workshop, assistance to participants will be continued by In-Mind editors, resulting in publication of the articles in the online journal In-Mind. To get an impression of the magazine, please take a look at:

Please send your registration (with name, university, and department) to Reine van der Wal ( Register quickly (but at the latest March 5), as we only have 30 spots available! Following registration, we invite you to submit a manuscript by April 30th, 2011, to Reine van der Wal as well. Registration fees for EASP members is €45; Non-EASP members will have to pay €60. Price includes (a nice!) lunch and coffee break.

Reine van der Wal, Jill Janssen, (, and Sanne Pennings ( are happy to answer any inquiries related to the workshop.

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