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 Call for Abstracts
Posted by: Julia Rolsted Stacey
Title/Position: Communications Manager
School/Organization: MAPP, Aarhus University, Denmark
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 16th, 2010

Call for Abstracts: MAPP Workshop 2011

9th International MAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviour and Food Marketing
KongebroGaarden, Middelfart, Denmark
May 10-11, 2011

Consumer Behaviour in Retail Settings
Although the consumer typically embarks on a shopping trip with an idea about what products to buy, studies show that the actual product and brand decisions are often made in store.

Retail stores are important settings for consumer behaviour as places where decisions are made, products are bought and experiences are had. In retail settings consumers are able to exert their right to choose, but retail settings also set material and symbolic boundaries for consumer behaviour. Through in-store marketing, store layouts and other aspects of their store environments retailers are thus able to exert influence over consumers’ shopping behaviour and their shopping experiences.

Shopping activities can provide both hedonic and utilitarian value to consumers. Utilitarian value is derived from buying the particular goods for which a need is experienced, whereas hedonic value is derived from the activity of shopping as such.

Consumer behaviour in retail settings can be studied using a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches. We invite submissions focusing on different aspects of consumer behaviour in retail settings.

Suggested topics include – but are not limited to - the following:

--How consumers experience various retail settings
--How consumers make decisions in retail settings
--How consumers are being influenced in retail settings
--How retail settings set boundaries for and facilitate consumer choice

Workshop Format

The MAPP Workshop is an intimate forum, limited to 30 participants. Researchers from academia and industry present innovative research, meet future collaborators and discuss the latest ideas.

The workshop will be held at KongebroGaarden, Middelfart, which can conveniently be reached from Copenhagen Airport via a direct train service.

Participants are expected to arrive on May 10, 2011 for a joint dinner and networking. The workshop takes place on May 11, 2011.

The fee is DKK 3000.00. The final registration takes place when the final programme is ready.

Programme Committee
Associate professor Lars Esbjerg, professor Klaus G. Grunert and communications manager Julia Rolsted Stacey are responsible for the workshop.

Submission Guidelines
The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 15, 2011.

Please submit your abstract to Julia Rolsted Stacey, We will confirm all abstracts that are submitted.

Submissions should include:

Abstract (up to 350 words)
Keywords (up to 5)

For more details, please visit:

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