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 Justice and Morality Preconference SPSP 2011
Posted by: Kees van den Bos
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Utrecht University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 4th, 2010

With talks from Naomi Ellemers, Jon Haidt, Benoit Monin, Kim Wade-Benzoni, and Chen-Bo Zhong, the Justice and Morality preconference at SPSP 2011 promises to be stellar event which you would not like to miss!

The preconference will be held at the San Antonio Convention Center on Thursday, January 27, 2011 (8:30 - 4:30 PM) and includes breakfast as well as a buffet lunch. There are still some places open, so to register please go to the website:

Please note that there is a possibility to present your work at the preconference and that the submission deadline is December 10. These are the options for presenting your work:

Poster Session: If you would like to submit a paper for a poster presentation, please do so with your on-line registration. Posters must not include work that will be presented at the regular SPSP conference.

Paper Swap: You are also invited and encouraged to bring copies of recently published papers, pre-prints, works-in-progress, or mini-posters to share with other conference attendees.

Graduate Student Presentations: Graduate students are invited to submit proposals to give 15 minute talks at the preconference. Proposals must not include work that will be presented at the regular SPSP conference. Please email submissions directly to Kees van den Bos ( by December 10th, 2010. All submissions that are not selected for talks will be automatically considered for presentation as a poster unless a request to the contrary is included in the submission, thus there is no need to submit a redundant poster proposal. 

On the website you can find more information about the preconference and how to submit your proposals. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Hope to see you at January 27!

Kees van den Bos and Chris Bauman

Kees van den Bos
Professor of Social Psychology
Utrecht University

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