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 Data/Papers for Meta-Analysis of Locus of Control
Posted by: Cecilia Cheng
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Hong Kong
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 30th, 2010

Dear Colleagues,

Our research team is conducting a meta-analytic study on the relationships between locus of control (LOC) and psychological well-being across cultures. If you have conducted studies related to this topic, we would very much appreciate if you could send us any of the following:

- in press papers
- in preparation or working papers
- published or unpublished work written in languages other than English
- unpublished dissertations, theses, or student projects
- conference papers, posters, or abstracts
- raw data or correlations between LOC and measures of psychological well-being (e.g., anxiety, depression etc.)

Please kindly note that we will utilize your data only for performing meta-analysis related to this project.

Soft copies can be sent via email to Hard copies can be sent to Cecilia Cheng, Social and Health Psychology Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to know more about our project. If you know some researchers who have conducted relevant or similar studies, pls kindly ask them to contact me or provide their contacts so that I can send them a formal request. Thank you for your kind attention.

Best regards,
Cecilia Cheng, PhD
Department of Psychology
The University of Hong Kong

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