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 Job in Cross-Cultural Psychology
Posted by: Steven Graham
Title/Position: Assistant Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: New College of Florida
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 15th, 2010

I would be happy to answer any questions about the following position.


Steven M. Graham, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
New College of Florida
5800 Bay Shore Road
Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 487-4551


Cross-Cultural Psychologist—New College of Florida, the honors college of the State University System invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level beginning August, 2011. We are interested in hiring someone whose research and scholarly interests are in the general area of Cross-Cultural Psychology, broadly defined. Candidates whose research and teaching interests complement current faculty interests in social, developmental, cognitive, or biological psychology are especially welcome. We also welcome candidates who could contribute to existing programs in Environmental Studies, International Studies, or Gender Studies. A commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching is essential. The successful candidate will be asked to teach courses in introductory psychology as well as those within his or her specific areas of interest.

New College is a small, selective, undergraduate institution; students have high SAT scores and are intellectually independent and highly motivated. The teaching load is two courses per semester plus individualized tutorials. Teaching duties in psychology also include supervising independent study projects and serving on committees for research-based senior theses. New College is committed to excellence in teaching and research and encourages collaborative student-faculty scholarship. Applicants should have a demonstrated commitment to quality, innovative undergraduate liberal arts teaching and an active research program emphasizing a cross-cultural psychology perspective. Salary is competitive.

Send curriculum vitae, a brief cover letter that includes a description of teaching philosophy and research interests, and three letters of recommendation to Gordon B. Bauer, Psychology Search Committee, New College of Florida, 5800 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota, FL 34243-2197. Deadline: We will begin reviewing files December 6, 2010. According to Florida law, application and meetings regarding applications are open to the public upon request. Applicants who need a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the selection process must notify the chair of the committee five days in advance. Applications from women and minorities are encouraged. New College is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Institution.

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